Category: Sports

Sports you never heard of

The competitive spirit is the driver for billions of people worldwide. When you put a couple of competitive people together, you’ll see them quickly come up with competitive activity. That’s how sports we know today came to be. People use Ladbrokes Promo Code to have more fun while watching numerous sports events.

However, while everyone enjoys watching sports such as soccer and rugby, there are plenty of sports you never heard of. While they’re not as popular, they’re very entertaining. Let’s take a closer look at a couple of exciting sports.

Toe Wrestling

Have you ever seen competitors go toe-to-toe, but literally? That’s exactly what this sport is. This British sport started back in 1976. While it hasn’t gained much popularity, it’s worth watching two grown men wrestle with their toes.

Both competitors take their shoes and socks off and interlock toes until one of them successfully “pins” the other.

Elephant Polo

Polo is a trendy sport with millions of fans worldwide. One of its variants is the Elephant Polo, played in India, Nepal, and Thailand. Given the complexity of riding an elephant, there are two people on the elephant’s back. One of them steers the elephant in the right direction, while the second one hits the ball.

A just animal treatment in the sport is regulated by the World Elephant Polo Association.

Krish Dulal at ne.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Shin Kicking

If you think this sounds painful, you’re right! Shin Kicking is a sport in which two competitors fight each other by kicking themselves in the shin. The goal is for one opponent to take the other one to the ground.

Do you want to enjoy a Shin Kicking tournament? You can see competitors duel at Cotswold Olympic Games in Dover’s Hill. It’s the World Championship which means you’ll enjoy the participation of the strongest fighters in the sport.

Underwater Hockey

This sport is probably the result of people thinking: “What’s the hardest version of Hockey we can make?” Underwater hockey, also known as Octopush, involves two teams that try to push pucks in the opposite team’s goal. The pucks are at the bottom of the swimming pool, and players use short sticks to move them.

It’s a tough sport as players have to swim vertically and horizontally to get air and get quickly to a puck. The first World Championship was in 1980. 

Cheese Rolling

Gloucestershire hosts a fantastic annual competition on Cooper’s Hill. Competitors gather in the hot pursuit of a giant cheese wheel that rolls down the steep hill. It sounds like a simple game, but the steepness of the slope makes the chase incredibly challenging. Plenty of competitors went through severe injuries during their chasing adventures.

The sport was only popular locally until it went viral on YouTube, where millions of viewers had a good laugh watching people fall and roll down the hill.

Dave Farrance, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons


Wife Carrying

Wife Carrying originated in Finland. The competitors pick up their wives or their neighbour’s wives according to the rules. The only rule is that she is older than 17. While the World Championship is in Finland, there are other competitions globally.

For example, in North America, competitors fight for awesome prizes such as wife’s weight in beer, money, and eligibility to attend the finals.

Best Sports to Play During the Pandemic

One can’t deny the fact that the pandemic has in many ways changed the way that we live our lives. From the way in which we communicate with other people to the hobbies we choose, we take a lot more things into consideration when making plans than we did before the pandemic. For example, more people are interested in playing online games like Lottomart Casino Bonus or in communicating with their family and friends via video calls than ever before.

Moreover, more people are now interested in different physical activities since they had to spend plenty of time indoors. Therefore different sports and physical activities have become a way to stay in shape and to maintain mental health. In this article, we’ll take a look at the best sports to play during the pandemic. 


One of the most beloved sports around the planet that was extremely popular even before the pandemic is tennis. Tennis requires a lot of running, concentration, as well as excellent reflexes. For this reason, tennis is a great way to get all of that negative energy out, by hitting the ball as strong as you can.

Furthermore, it’s also a great sport to play during the pandemic since there isn’t any physical contact with the opponent. Additionally, you can play it one-on-one, which means that you would be alone on your side of the court. 


Another sport on our list that has found itself among the best sports that you can practice during the pandemic is cycling. Cycling can be beneficial for you during a pandemic for multiple reasons. First of all, cycling activates all muscles in our body. This means an improved cardiovascular system as well as a low risk of diabetes, stroke, or other conditions that are caused by a lack of physical activity and an unhealthy lifestyle in general. Also, most people decide to practice cycling in the great outdoors. Spending time outside the house has a positive impact on our mental health and it helps us restore positive energy. Last but not least, cycling can be practiced at a safe physical distance, even if we decide to do it with someone else.


Lastly, another great option that you might consider during the pandemic is running. Running is one of the most practical solutions when it comes to physical activities because it can be practiced almost anywhere. Just like cycling, it can be practiced both indoors (with the help of the right equipment) and outdoors. Also, running can help you get back in shape in no time. What is more, running is a very budget-friendly option, especially when done in the great outdoors. Basically, all you need is running shoes and appropriate clothes. Additionally, you can get into the habit of running in nature because it can help you relax and lower your anxiety levels. And this can be very beneficial for both your physical and mental health.


How to bet on mixed martial arts

Since the 1990s, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has been gaining in popularity in the USA and Europe and, as you may guess, it has become a very attractive sports betting market. If you want to try your luck at betting on MMA, you have many opportunities to do so both in a live sportsbook and online throughout the year, and maybe some of them even offer 1xbet promo code for these kinds of bets. If you are not sure how to increase your chances of placing a winning bet, here are some points that you should take into consideration. 

The rules of the game

The first thing that you need to do is get familiar with the rules of this sport. MMA is a combat sport in which fighters use different fighting styles involving kicks, punches, knees, elbows and grappling. The bout is divided into five-minute long rounds and can end in a knockout, technical knockout, disqualification, submission or on points.

Available markets

The next important point is that there are a few available markets that you can choose from. The most popular way to wager on MMA is definitely the so-called Money Line when you bet on the overall winner. Another option is to bet on how many rounds the match will last, known as Total Rounds. Usually, bookmakers set a number of rounds they expect a fight to have and post odds for going over or under the number. Additionally, there is the KO, Submission, or Decision option when you bet on how the fight will end. This one is the most difficult to win but the payouts are the highest.

Information on fighters

Finally, in order to secure success or at least boost your chances of winning a bet, you should gather information on the fighters you are interested in. First, it is important to know the fighting style of the fighters. Wrestlers prefer taking the opponent to the ground which may prolong the bout while boxers are good at striking and look for a knockout. Next, you should check the fighter’s win-loss record as well as the ranking status. Thanks to the sport’s increasing popularity, you can find lots of statistics and facts on fighters’ performance nowadays. Furthermore, you should pay attention to how the fighter prepares for a fight. You can watch the fighter’s training or sparring sessions and keep up with the news about their pre-fight preparation. You should consider the quality of the sparring partner and the coach and well as the location of the fighting venue. Long travel to the venue or the altitude may impact the fighter’s cardio levels. Also, the fighter’s weight and injuries influence the outcome of the match significantly.


Bring your game to life with live betting

Everyone that was ever into betting can probably remember a scenario like this: you found a perfect combination of matches to bet on, you went through the data looking for the best odds and the info to help you place your bet, you enter a website to place the bets and you realize that a game has already begun and that you cannot bet on it! Your entire system broke down and now you’re not even sure you want to play anymore.

Thankfully, most, if not all of the bookmakers are now offering live betting – betting while the game lasts, with different odds being updated depending on the game’s progress. However, what do you have to keep in mind if you want to bet live?

Understand regular betting

Naturally, if you’re going to wager any real money, you have to know what you’re doing. You have to understand the odds system and do your homework regarding the teams you’re going to bet on. Luck is an important factor, but, compared to the lottery or playing in the Gate777 casino, betting can include a knowledge element. Focus on sports you are familiar with – or ideally an expert in – and look into the games you’re going to bet on beforehand.

Understand changes on the pitch

With classical betting, you’re following the form swings of a team throughout the season. With live betting, it’s all reduced to the match itself. You need to recognize when a team is building momentum and dominating the pitch or when a tennis player is psychologically determined to tilt the match his/her way against his discouraged opponent. In time, you can learn to spot tell-tale signs of this and capitalize on it through your bets.

Don’t just look at the goals and classic stuff

Live betting offers more than regular betting. In football, for example, the result can be of little interest to you if you can guess the number of corner kicks or yellow cards. See a player that is nervous and reckless in his tackles? Use it, because fouls on a match can be a parameter to watch out for and bring you some easy profit.

Focus on a few games, possibly one at a time

Another difference from regular betting is that you should focus on a few games, ideally only one and that you need to watch it live in order to see what to bet on. This differs from recreational watching with friends, some beer and snacks – you need to pay maximum attention, because every detail counts.

Bet on the favorites that are losing

Why should you bet on somebody that’s losing? Well, it’s the simplest live-betting strategy. Namely, when a favorite starts losing, the odds for their win start growing. You can then place the bet at much higher odds and still have a great chance of winning because the favourite is still more likely to bounce back.

Even though this list can give you some insight into live betting, you should try it yourself to see if it’s your cup of tea. And always remember to limit your budget to what you’re ready to spend.


How can anyone become an athlete

When I was a kid, I dreamed of being like Spider-Man – fast and able to jump high and swing from building to building. As I got older my dreams became a little more realistic and I found my idols among professional athletes. I guess that there are many young boys who wish the same as me and whose dreams also become a little more down-to-earth. We may never be so able-bodied like Spider-Man, but we can achieve the second best thing – we could become athletes.

But can just anyone become an athlete? We can find some answers if we consult successful athletes and their coaches. Many famous coaches say that in order to succeed in any sport you need to have a talent, but we don’t want to become professional athletes, we just want to know how we can be more athletic. So, we don’t need to have any talent for sports if we follow these three steps.

Step 1: Build elasticity

When starting any type of exercise, the first thing you must do is stretch. Stretching helps your muscles become more resilient to stress and strain and it allows the body to sustain many exercises without experiencing any bad impacts. Stretching exercises are considered to be the easiest type of exercises – so anybody should be able to do them. They help intensify blood flow which increases the body temperature. When the body is warmer, its capabilities increase so you can make faster progress which boosts your motivation to keep on. Stretching itself can make you an athlete. If we look at yoga practitioners, we can see that stretching exercises can increase their physical strength to the level of professional athletes.

Step 2: Body conditioning

When we first start working out, we probably get tired very quickly. This may discourage you from training harder and you even decide to give up completely. To avoid this, you should do body-conditioning exercises. This means that you should start with minimal efforts, but you should do your best to keep exercising for longer periods of time. For example, if you wish to train football, you should go jogging at first, keeping a low tempo for as long as you can. If you do this every second day for a whole month you will be ready to start training much harder without feeling too tired.

Step 3: Increase strength

Once your body gets elastic and conditioned, you are ready for the final step – increasing your strength. The body becomes stronger if you do exercises with weights. But don’t forget to go step by step. Start with lighter weights, and as you improve, move on to heavier weights until you reach your goals.
